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The Titanic sank for the mistakes of just a few people | 2 Minute Knowledge

 Finally fi

nd out, the unknown mystery of the Titanic!

 As soon as we heard the name of Titanic, a picture of a huge ship floated in front of our eyes. Which is vast as well as very beautiful and well-appointed. The name Titanic is a wonderful and mysterious name to the world. From the construction of the Titanic to its sinking and its aftermath, there has been a lot of curiosity and mystery around the world. 

 Which can spread in people's mouths. The Titanic was the largest and most elite ship of its time. Which at that time elicited a response all over the world. The full name of the Titanic was 'Royal Mail Steamer' or 'RMS Titanic'.

 Weighing 60,000 tons and measuring 275 meters in length, the ship took five consecutive years to build. Its construction started in 1907. Which ended in 1912.

 8 workers were killed in this construction work. And many workers were injured Because at that time the workers had to work on the height of a 20-storey building without any protection to build the Titanic. The builders had to spend 7.5 million to build the Titanic at that time.

 This ship was the most luxurious ship in the world. Let's get to know some of the luxurious information of the ship. From which you can know how luxurious the ship was.

 The ship was decorated with various paintings and statues. Which were very expensive.

 There were many luxurious arrangements for the first class passengers of that ship. Such as: hot water swimming pool, tennis code, beauty salon etc. There was also a separate place on the ship for the dogs of the first class passengers.

  • ★ There were 13 different meals for first class passengers. Along with that there were different wines.

  •  ★That ship was supposed to have a 5-hour program every day.

  • ★ The ship was carrying 1,500 bottles of wine, 20,000 bottles of beer and 8,000 cigarettes.


This luxurious Titanic was designed and built in such a way that it would not be wrong to call it 'immortal'

 That means this ship will never sink Yes, the ship was so strong that it could withstand any adverse sea conditions. But even after all this, at 11:40 pm on April 14, 1912, the Titanic sank on its first voyage after colliding with an iceberg.

 What? Surprised?

 Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either.

 However, many disagreed on this point. Over the centuries many speculations and theories have been born centering on this phenomenon. The famous Hollywood movie Titanic was made in 1997. Which we have all seen.


But the real secret of the Titanic was unknown to everyone.

 However, the researchers have announced the final results this time. That truth, which is more than a hundred years old, has come before everyone And there are a few reasons why researchers are ultimately blaming the sinking of the Titanic Those reasons are mentioned below

  •  1) Fire, yes. Much to my surprise. But you will be more surprised to hear the whole thing. Journalist Sonam Monli has been researching the Titanic for 30 years. The main subject of his research was the accident with the Titanic. After a long study, he was the first to discover 30-foot black spots from some images of the Titanic. He confirms this mark from the pictures taken before the Titanic sailed and the pictures taken during the construction of the ship. The stain was on the underside of the ship's deck.
  •  But no one noticed such a big stain! Because the ship was facing the front. And the passenger was moving back and forth. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. In fact, the black spot was formed as a result of melting all the metals inside it
  •  What? Surprised?
  •  Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. Because the ship caught fire in that part 3 weeks before the start of the voyage And that fire continued to burn for 3 weeks in a row. And all the metals in that part begin to melt because of the high heat. And this huge stain was made to melt the metal of that part. As a result, the ship became 75 percent weak. Even then, the ship might not have sunk if the iceberg had not hit the burned part of the ship. Yes, the iceberg hit the burnt part of the ship. And puts an end to everything. If that part of the ship had not been burned, the ship might not have sunk to collide with the iceberg.

  •  2) Technology was not so advanced at that time. As a result, binoculars were used to monitor the surroundings of ships. But not as binocular. Special binoculars were used to monitor the surroundings of the ship. And a special 'binocular room' was kept on the ship for surveillance. Where a full-time officer was on surveillance. Unfortunately, the officer who had the only key to the binocular room was transferred at the last minute. And he forgot to go with the key to the binocular room As a result, no one else could enter the room and monitor it.If he had gone with the key, surveillance could have been carried out from the binocular room. And if the iceberg had been detected under surveillance, accidents could have been avoided by changing the course of the ship.

  •  3) Iceberg collisions with the Titanic could have been avoided. But who was driving the ship a little too loud. Because he thought, 'This ship will never sink.'
  •  And because of his attitude, when everyone saw the iceberg, there was no way to change the course of the ship. Because it was almost impossible to change course at the speed at which the ship was moving.

 What? Shocked? Yes, it was for these reasons that the Titanic sank. Many may wonder, 'Didn't anyone know about that big black spot?'

 Yes, I knew that The makers of the Titanic knew this But even after knowing, they were silent. Because they invested a lot of money behind the Titanic. They also had to borrow a lot of money from banks to invest Also, when they found out about the stain, all the tickets on the ship were sold out For that reason it was almost impossible for them to cancel the first voyage of the Titanic. As a result, if they canceled the first voyage of the Titanic, it would be a terrible disaster for their lives. So they could not do anything knowing everything.

 And then when the Titanic went on its first voyage, that was its last voyage.

 As the Titanic sank, so did many fresh souls.

 The question that may come to the minds of many is that when the passengers found out that they were going to sink, they could easily get off the ship. Then why didn't they move?

 In fact, when the passengers on the Titanic first saw the iceberg, the ship's captain paid little attention. Because he thought 'the ship will never sink'. And such an attitude of the captain kept the passengers calm for a long time The passengers were very relaxed for a long time.

 Investigations later revealed that Captain Smith of the Titanic failed the first test of his navigation, meaning he was a failed Navy officer.

 The ship's styler also had the idea that taking too many lifeboats would ruin the beauty of the ship.So very few boats have been taken on the ship. Which was very little compared to the number of passengers. And not all bods were drilled. So not everyone could get off the ship.

 At the last minute, the Titanic rocket helped but no one came forward. There was another ship a short distance away though. And the captain of that ship also saw the rocket But he also ignored the matter. He was later found guilty. If he had gone for help, the passengers on the Titanic might have survived.

 Dear Readers, Everyone else, like you, is surprised to learn what the researchers say is the ultimate cause of the Titanic's accident. Everyone knows how many lives have been lost in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean because of the mistakes of some people.

#2 Minute Knowledge

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