The symbol of a country's ability and capability is the military capability of that country. A country establishes itself as strong and powerful to different countries because of its military capabilities. The more militarily powerful a country is, the more it can dominate the world. Not only in this modern world, but also in the ancient world, different kings spread their authority by fighting with other kingdoms. And the main reason for their victory was their efficient and huge military power. In the same way, in today's world, all countries have their own military capabilities. Which exists all over the world as a symbol of the power of that country. Just as technology is being used in everything in today's world, so is technology being used in the military. Strengthening a country's military requires a skilled army, advanced technology, advanced intelligence, advanced weapons and a vast military budget.
All but a handful of countries in the world have their own military forces. However, not all countries have the same military capabilities. There are some countries in the world that are ahead of everyone else militarily. They can even change the map of the world if they want. Can destroy the earth. And those countries continue to dominate the world with their military power. In other words, these countries are basically ruling the world.
Today I will tell you about 10 such countries. Those who are in terms of military power are at the top of all other countries.
So let's get started.
★ US:
The United States is one of the most powerful, powerful, and militarily powerful nations in the world today. At the same time, the United States plays an important role in world politics and in the military-political environment. The US economy is quite strong. The United States spends a large portion of its total budget on the military. As a result, the US military sector is better than any other country in the world. It is true that the US can change the map of the world at any time if it wants. Because they have such a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. The United States has all kinds of military weapons. They also have a very skilled army and skilled intelligence. In history, the United States has witnessed many devastating wars and is a very important character The US military is able to carry out its mission very successfully anywhere in the world. The United States has no one to turn to for the purchase and purchase of new weapons and warfare. The United States is considered to be the most powerful military power in the world. The United States Armed Forces consists of six service branches: the Army, the Marine Corps, the Navy, the Air Force, the Space Force, and the Coast Guard. The US military budget for 2021 is 703.7 billion US dollars. The United States is the successful hero of various wars and terrible missions in the history of the world.
★ China:
China is currently the 2nd highest military power. This country in Asia has huge military power. The world's most populous country has all the latest weapons. It has a skilled army, intelligence and a large military budget. The country's military is considered one of the most powerful in the world. China's military has proven itself capable of various missions and battles.The country also plays an important role in the global military and political environment for the country's military power. China has weapons of mass destruction and the right manpower to handle them. The Chinese military has established its authority over water, land and air. With a new military budget of 18 billion US dollars, China has the second highest military budget in the world.
★ Russia:
Russia is one of the top military powers in the world. The country has long played a very important role in the world's military and political environment. The country has a skilled army and advanced military equipment.As a result, the country is able to assert its authority in any situation. The country's intelligence and military technology is very strong. Russia is considered one of the most powerful nations in the world. The country has demonstrated its military capabilities at various times. Russia has developed various weapons at different times. And it has also sold to different countries. The country's military budget is also huge. Its military budget in 2021 is 70000.00 USD.
Russia has long been considered America's main rival. Which still exists. Evidence of this has been found at different times. Russia has demonstrated its capabilities in space and water, as well as huge military might and a strong economy. Russia is considered an important and powerful country in the world today.
★ Germany:
Germany is one of the largest military powers in the world today. For the past 100 years, the country has been building one of the largest military budgets in the world. Germany has strong air, naval and ground forces.
Germany's military power is one of the largest in the world. Due to the strong economic situation of Germany, Germany is able to spend a large part of its income on the military sector. Germany's presence can be seen in all the devastating wars of history. Germany has a huge military force. Germany fought mainly for self-defense. Although there has been no war in Germany for many years, they are always ready for war. Makes the army efficient. All weapons are in stock. The budget of the German military in 2021 is 45247.12 USD Million US dollars. Although Germany is currently away from war, it is seen as important for its huge military might.
★ UK:
The United Kingdom is one of the most powerful countries in the world. The British Empire spread all over the world from this country. This country ruled most of the world. The economic situation in the UK is quite strong.The country's economy is the 5th largest in the world. The United Kingdom has huge military power. However, the devastation of World War II and the collapse of the British Empire in the second half of the twentieth century greatly diminished the UK's leading role in world politics. Nevertheless, the United Kingdom is an important economic, cultural, military and political influence in the world today. The United Kingdom has a nuclear weapons capability The country is spending heavily on its own defense. It has a huge arsenal of weapons. The military budget for 2021 is 44.6 billion British pounds.
Despite being out of the war for a long time, this country has military and political influence all over the world.
★ Japan:
Japan is one of the most powerful and developed countries in the world today. The country was devastated in the Second World War and turned around again. And now the country is one of the most developed and powerful countries in the world.As Japan's export earnings are huge, its economic position is also very strong. And so Japan spends a large part of its income on the military in self-defense. Japan has a skilled army. There is intelligence and weapons. And in these cases there is a touch of advanced technology. Japan has also shown its capability in naval and air space. Although not involved in any war, Japan retains such a huge military power only for self-defense. Japan's military budget for 2021 is 48.7 billion.
France is one of the world's largest military powers. France earns a lot of money by exporting various things made by itself. France spends a large part of its income on the military. Although France is known as a peaceful country in the world, its military power is huge.France has vast nuclear power. France's military equipment is its nuclear power. France's military power has been huge for a long time. In addition to nuclear weapons, France has a skilled army and various warplanes. Which has made them powerful. According to many, France has huge stockpiles of chemical weapons. But France says it does not have chemical weapons. However, they are capable of making chemical weapons. France's military budget in 2021 is 55974.47 million USD. France is considered to be one of the most militarily powerful countries in the world.
★South Korea:
South Korea is one of the world's largest military powers. South Korea has made itself very strong militarily. It has a huge arsenal of weapons. So that there are all weapons advanced and destructive. South Korea's army is equipped with various weapons.South Korea is also very strong in water and air. South Korea has imported many weapons from different countries in different years. Increased stockpile of own weapons. From warplanes to tanks, rocket launchers are all in this store. South Korea has the experience of being involved in the most devastating war in history. This country is always ready for war. The country's military budget in 2021 is 40650.00 Million USD.
★ Saudi Arabia:
Saudi Arabia has become an important military state at the present time. Although the country has not been very strong in the past, it is now increasing its military capabilities. By selling oil, Saudi Arabia's economic situation has become much stronger. And day by day they are increasing their military strength. It is also involved in the military environment of the world. Despite not fighting for many years, Saudi Arabia is conscious of increasing its military capabilities. It has a huge arsenal of weapons. And he has all the advanced and destructive weapons in stock. Saudi Arabia is the world's second largest arms buyer. And the largest arms dealer in Saudi Arabia is the United States. Saudi Arabia is spending a lot of money on arms. Its military budget in 2021 is 63750.00 USD Million.
★ EU:
The UAE has emerged as one of the most powerful military powers in the world today. The emirate is increasing its military power as the economic situation is much stronger. It has a skilled army. And with thatthere are various military equipment.There are all weapons of mass destruction. The emirate is increasing its military strength in self-defense. Buying different weapons. In recent years, the UAE has been spending huge sums of money on the military and purchasing sophisticated weapons equipment from various countries. And being aware of military training. This suggests that the emirate is spending a large portion of its income on the military.
Dear Readers, Military power carries the identity of the country's own capabilities. And military power also tells how strong the country is. Almost every country in the world has military power. However, the military strength of these 10 countries is higher than other countries.