World's Largest Online Educational Platfrom HOW TO SAFE EYE FROM TECHNOLOGY SCREEN? | Life Hacks



The current world is a technology dependent world.  Where technology is used in all cases.  The use of technology will increase in the future.  And then living in a world without technology would be kind of impossible.  The widespread use of technology we are currently experiencing.  Technology has many advantages as well as many disadvantages.  And one of them is that the screen of technology is harmful to the eyes.  Looking at the technology screen for a long time reduces the power of the eyes.  And later it becomes more manifest.  Usually we see the screens of desktops, laptops, televisions or tablets.  And just as their use is increasing day by day, they are also posing a serious risk to human eyes and health.  Now the question is how do we protect our eyes?  Is there any way?

 Yes, there are ways.  Today we will share with you a few such ways.  By adopting these you will be able to protect your precious eyes from the harmful aspects of technology.

 So let's get started.

Take a break from looking at the screen continuously: Many people look at the computer or TV screen continuously.  As a result, our eyes are severely damaged  So you can't keep looking.  Instead, take a light break for 20 minutes.  This will reduce boredom.  And the eyes will be less damaged.  You can walk outside at this time.  You can also see nature.

 ★ Provide lighting in the room: Provide adequate lighting in the room where you are sitting and looking at the technology screen.  Many people use TV or mobile in a dark room.  This habit must be abandoned.  Looking at the screen in a dark room, the harmful rays of the screen hit the eyes more.  So keep adequate lighting in the house.

 ★ Keep distance from the screen: Most of the time most people are seen using mobiles, TVs, desktops, laptops or tablets at close range.  As a result, the harmful rays of the screen can easily damage the eyes.  So these technologies have to keep the market as far away from the screen as possible.

Keep screen light on: All technology screens including TV, mobile, desktop, laptop, tablet have their own lighting system.  Follow that arrangement properly.  Keep enough light.  In that case, it is arranged in the screen settings.  There is also a system to turn on auto brightness.  If you do this, the technology screen will have enough brightness in the right light.  As a result, your eyes can easily adapt to the light.  And will be protected from harm.

Use high resolution: Technologies It is better to use high quality resolution in screen.  It has less effect on the eyes.  As a result of low resolution, the upper part of the eye is very damaged.  Which causes various problems in the eyes.  So use high resolution for video watching, gaming or general use.

 ★ Use eye protector: It is very important to use an eye protector.  Eye protector can be used as glass glasses.  Those who have been staring at the technology screen for a long time can use these glasses.  And mobile users can use eye protector gorilla glass.  This glass will protect your eyes from harmful blue rays.

 Dear readers, by adopting the above methods you can protect your eyes from the harmful side of the technology screen.  Which is very much needed in this technology dependent world.

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