World's Largest Online Educational Platfrom WORLD'S TOP 10 SPACE COMPANIES | Facts


From the beginning of civilization, people have a deep curiosity about space.  Different scriptures of different religions and fairy tales made it more popular.  The sun, the moon, the stars, there is no end to people's curiosity about these.  However, with the advancement of science, human curiosity has turned into research.  Curiosity was born out of curiosity.  And that's where space research begins.  Gradually it began to expand more.  Research continues to improve.  Success begins to come.  People began to conquer space, the moon, and much more.  At present, with the help of science, people have tasted a lot of success in space research.  Starting from that moon, now people have reached Mars.  Trying to live there.  Discovering all the new planets, satellites and stars.
But people were not so successful overnight.  It has taken a long time and extensive research to succeed in space research.  And these studies have been led by various space related companies.  Through their tireless work and competition, these companies have added a new chapter to human civilization.  And as a result of success, people can now go to space according to their needs, can work, can stay for a long time.  Even in recent times, space travel is within the reach of human beings  And all this is possible for different space related companies.
There are also government aerospace companies and some private companies from around the world.  Who are constantly making space easier for people.

Today we will share with you about 10 such space companies.  Which are the top space related companies in the world.
So let's get started.

SpaceX: SpaceX is currently the world's largest and leading spacecraft manufacturer and space travel service provider.  The company is basically an American private company.  It is not a government-owned company of any country.  The company was founded in 2002Elon Musk is the founder of the company.  The company has already successfully completed the human journey of space travel.  This company was the first to make human travel in space.  The company's future plan is to build human settlements on Mars.  The company is working accordingly. SpaceX is currently one of the largest and richest companies in the world.  Its current market value is 100  billion.  At the same time, the company is at the top of success.

NASA: NASA is considered to be the largest, most influential and successful space research organization in the world.  NASA is a US space agency.  Its full name is National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).  NASA was founded in 1956.  NASA's field of research includes the advancement of heliophysics through the efforts of the Heliophysics research activities of the Science Mission Directorate; the exploration of animals throughout the solar system using advanced robotic spacecraft such as New Horizons;  Starting from the lunar conquest, there is a significant role in the mission to Mars.  NASA is one of the best and most powerful space companies in the world.

Boeing: Boeing is one of the largest aerospace companies in the world.  The company was founded in 1916. It is basically an American private company.  The company includes aircraft,  rockets, and satellites;  Plan, create and sell.  This company is another among the manufacturers of international aircraft.  The company has built several satellites.  Which is successfully working in space.  The company is constantly trying to build high quality satellites.  Satellites made by this company have been used in various important space missions.

Blue Origin: Blue Origin is one of the world's largest and most powerful aerospace manufacturers and sub-orbital space flight service providers.  The company was founded in 2000.  It is an American private company.  The company has proven itself in various space missions.  A number of missions have been contracted to build rocket engines, spacecraft and the moon.  The company is working on various missions to the moon.  The company has already been awarded a 579 million contract to develop an integrated human landing system to bring humans back to the moon as part of NASA's Artemis program.

Sierra Nevada Corporation: Sierra Nevada Corporation is a security contractor specializing in aircraft modification and integration, space components and systems and technology products related to cyber security and health.  The company is basically an American private company.  The company was founded in 1963.  The company is involved with NASA and several other important companies.  The company has contributed to many of the most successful missions in space so far.  The company plays a very important role in space research.

Roscosmos: Roscosmos is one of the top space research institutes in the world.  The company was established in 1992.  Originally Russia's main and national space agency.  The company has played a very important role in the history of space research.  It is called NASA's main rival.  Because this company was the space research company of the Soviet UnionBy which man first dreamed of going to the moon.  NASA is considered as the main rival.  The company is conducting various important studies.  The company is one of the most successful and best aerospace companies in the world.

ESA: ESA is a joint space research organization of 20 countries in Europe.  Its full name is European Space Agency.  The company was established in 1985.  One of the top space agencies in the world.  The company works on new discoveries in space, space missions and astronomical research.  The company's contribution to various new discoveries in space is extensive.  The company has successfully carried out various important missions in various space research.  Countries like Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom are members of this company.

Astra Rocket Company: Astra Rocket Company is one of the largest spacecraft launching companies in the world.  It is used both militarily and commercially.  .  The company was founded in 2016.  And it has already gained a good reputation  Through the company, various companies will be able to launch their own spacecraft into space.  Astra Rocket Company has a good reputation in this regard.  Several important spacecraft have been launched through the company.  However, the company has not yet seen the face of success.  Last time its spacecraft launch failed.  But the company has strengthened itself in many ways.  And working on the next goal.

The Spaceship Company: The Spaceship Company is a British-American spacecraft company.  The company was founded in 2005.  The company builds spacecraft.  The company also sells its own spacecraft.  The company's spacecraft has a good reputation and is in high demand.  Various companies bought the spacecraft from The Spaceship Company and launched it into space.

Virgin Galactic: Virgin Galactic is an American spacecraft company.  The company was founded in 2004.  The company manufactures spacecraft commercially.  The company has been able to send its own spacecraft into space with passengers.  The company is working to improve its services.  The company is well known for its rocket launches.  They are also quite successful in this regard.

Dear Readers, Although there are numerous space companies around the world, the above 10 companies are considered to be the most powerful and top space companies in all aspects of the present time.

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