World's Largest Online Educational Platfrom WORLD'S TOP 10 ECONOMICALLY STRONG COUNTRIES | Facts




Exactly how strong and capable a country is depends on its economic potential.  There are 195 countries in the world.  Every  Country  have their own economies.  However, the economic situation of each country is not same.  There are differences.  If a country is absolutely poor, then a country is extremely rich.  The economic situation of those countries is very strong.  Economically strong countries tend to be quite influential.

 Today we will share with you about 10 such countries.  These Countries  are economically the top 10 strongest countries in the world.

 So let's get started.

 ★ United States: The United States is the world's leading and most economically powerful country.  The country's economy is very strong.  The country earns a hefty sum from business.  Also in terms of technology, the military and the US currency 'dollar' being the world's top reserve currency, the country is benefiting a lot.  The US dollar is the most widely used currency in international transactions.  As a result, the country has a significant impact on the world economy.  The country is leading in various exports and imports.  The country has the world's largest economy in terms of nominal GDP and total wealth and the second largest in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP).  Overall, the country's economy is stronger than any other country.

 ★ China: China is one of the largest and strongest economies in the world.  China has the largest economy in the world.  The country is currently the world's second-largest economy after the United States, with a per capita income of about 17 trillion as of 2021, or about  12,000.  The country is also ahead of other countries in terms of export earnings.  China earns huge amount of money by exporting various technology products to different countries of the world.  There are also various investments.  China is the most populous country in the world.  And the country has transformed this population into manpower.  As a result, they have been able to build a very strong economy for themselves.

 ★Japan: Japan is an economically prosperous country.  The country's economy is quite strong.  Japan's economy has been greatly influenced by the country's own technologies.  The country's market economy is the second largest in the world.  Japan is an industrialized country.  The main reasons for this are industrialists, artisans, well-educated and hardworking workforce, tendency to save at high levels, high investment rates, strong support of the government for the development of industry and foreign trade.  Although the country is tired of importing various products, the export income is not so low.  There are also Japanese investments in various countries.

 ★Germany: Germany's economy is one of the largest and strongest in the world.  The country has the largest economy in Europe, the fourth largest in the world in terms of nominal GDP and the fifth largest in terms of GDP (PPP).  Germany is one of the largest exporters in the world.  The country is the largest exporter of vehicles, machinery, chemical products, electronics, electrical equipment, medicines, transport equipment, basic metals, food products and rubber and plastics.  Through which the country earns a lot of foreign exchange.  Germany also hosts about two-thirds of the world's top trade fairs.  The German economy as a whole is very strong.

★ United Kingdom: The United Kingdom is one of the strongest economically strong countries in the world.  The country's economy is the fifth-largest national economy in the world, measured by nominal gross domestic product (GDP), and the ninth-largest in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP).  The country imports and exports various products.  The internal economic condition of the country is also quite good.  The country earns a lot of money in various ways.  The country also has an important role to play in the world economy.

 ★ India: India has a strong economic position.  The country's economy is the third largest in the world (purchasing power parity, PPP) and the fifth largest (nominal) economy;  Its gross domestic product (GDP) in 2017 was. 9.5 trillion (PPP).  The country imports and exports various products.  India earns a good amount of money by exporting goods.  The country earns money through trade as well as medicine, agriculture, textiles, tourism, medicine, cinema and various technology products.  The country's internal economic system is also quite strong.

★ France: France is a country with a rich economy.  The country's economy is the third largest in Europe and the sixth largest in the world.  France makes a lot of money by exporting different products to different countries.  The country's exported agricultural products include food grains, wine, cheese, etc.  The country also earns money by exporting various equipments.  There are 29 lakh registered companies in the country.  As such, there is one company for every twelve people in the country.  In other words, the country is well ahead in the domestic economy.

Italy: Italy is one of the most economically prosperous countries in the world.  The country has a strong economy.  The country's economy is currently the 6th largest in the world in terms of exchange rates.  The country's economy is based on industry.  Despite being economically backward for various reasons, the country is trying to turn around again.  The country earns money through various means.  The country earns income by exporting various products.  Italy has partnerships with various countries in this regard.

Canada: Canada has one of the strongest economic conditions in the world.  The lion's share of the country's economy is made up of service industries.  Canada has a free market economy.  Canada is quite advanced in the sincerity trade.  The country exports its products to different countries of the world.  By this the country earns a lot of money.  Their export products range from small machinery to large electrical appliances or various chemicals.  The internal economic condition of the country is also quite rich.

 ★ South Korea: South Korea is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of economy.  The country exports various technology products all over the world.  The country is also well known for its travel, movies and various industries.  The country's internal economy is quite strong.  The country earns money by exporting various technologies and other products made by itself.  Korea's various technologies are famous all over the world.  Korea's economy is very strong.

 Dear Readers there are 195 countries around the world have economies.  But the economies of the above 10 countries are stronger and more advanced than other countries in all case.

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